Objective 1

To create an effective and user-friendly self-service platform


The Carpathian Gas Trading Division’s E-BIZNES application

E-Biznes, launched by the Carpathian Gas Trading Division, is a new communication platform for business customers, developed in response to their expectations. The platform supports customers in independent, remote electronic monitoring of settlement for natural gas consumption. It is accessible online at https://ebiznes.koog.pgnig.pl

The application was launched on March 25th 2011. A logged-in customer can inspect their own contact data and update it instantly in the MeGaz system. Further, customers are able to inspect meter reading procedures applicable to their metering points, including settlement history and gas consumption graphs for a given metering point. Customer can easily examine all debit documents, including invoices, debit notes and correction invoices. Documents are presented in a clear manner and support online payments. The system also supports downloading and printout of duplicate invoices in the pdf format. The generated documents can also be exported as MS Excel files. It is also possible to monitor information on invoice status, including payment dates and payment status for individual invoices etc. The system also serves as a platform for customer communications with Customer Advisers. The Carpathian Gas Trading Division’s E-Biznes application is attracting growing interest from customers – at the end of April 2012, it had over 700 registered users.