In 2015, PSG completed 18 projects involving construction, extension and modernisation of its distribution networks, worth a total of PLN 500m, for which agreements for EU co-financing (of PLN 170m) under the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme for 2007–2013 had been signed.
In 2015, the company also completed 20 investment projects co-financed under the Regional Operational Programmes for 2007−2013. The total value of the projects is approximately PLN 32m, with co-financing of PLN 10m.
As part of the projects, the company constructed and modernised gas pipelines, and also rolled out the gas network to new areas. More than 1,100 km of distribution gas pipelines with auxiliary infrastructure were built or modernised.
As a result, gas infrastructure was built in areas where no such infrastructure had existed before; additionally, some gas pipelines were upgraded. The projects eliminated the supply gap resulting from insufficient transmission capacities of the existing infrastructure managed by PSG. This will increase the amount of supplied gas and improve the security of supplies. Including the non-refundable grant in economic analyses of the projects improved their expected results and was a key argument in favour of their implementation.
The infrastructure built as part of the projects cofinanced with EU funds serves both retail and institutional customers. Following completion of the projects co-financed with EU funds, approximately 5,000 new gas connections will be constructed.
The projects have also improved the quality of life in local communities, increased the attractiveness of areas where no gas infrastructure had existed before for potential investors, and helped protect the environment by reducing emissions of harmful substances.