Objective 4

To introduce uniform internal communication standards and develop a shared corporate culture

We develop ethical standards and corporate culture

An important part of developing a shared corporate culture is the Ethics Officer.

Ethics Programme

The ethics programme is an expression of our belief in business conduct of the highest ethical standards, and is a vital component of our Sustainable Development and Responsible Business Strategy. In August 2011, following completion of an internal and external consultation process, the Management Board formally adopted the Code of Ethics and the PGNiG SA Ethics Programme Management System. Specific organisational measures and procedures were planned as part of the system, and the Management Board called on all PGNiG Group companies to implement similar solutions.

Dialogue with staff members

Social dialogue has a long tradition in the power industry, and this is no different in the PGNiG Group, where over seventy trade union organisations operate. Company employees elect one PGNiG Management Board member for a three-year term, and three employee representatives sit on the Supervisory Board. Each PGNiG Group company has a person assigned to handle employee matters and work with the trade unions.